
Learn the Key Lessons of Leadership with
President McKay Christensen!

You’re invited to attend Melaleuca Leadership Coaching with McKay Christensen. At these engaging seminars, learn the skills you need to grow your business and lead your team more effectively.

With his interactive coaching style, McKay will engage you and your team as he helps you discover new ways to improve yourself and grow your business. The President of Melaleuca and a key member of Melaleuca’s Senior Management Team since 1995, McKay also holds a PhD in adult and organizational learning and leadership.

At McKay’s Seminars, you’ll learn:

Melaleuca: A Different Kind of Company

Learn how Melaleuca is enhancing lives like no other company. Learn how to answer the question “Who is Melaleuca?” in a compelling and non-threatening way.

The Power of Residual Income

Learn the value of your Melaleuca business and how to increase the value/income of your business with the right strategy. Learn why Melaleuca has true residual income.

Live Debt Free

Is it possible to live debt free? How can you create lasting wealth? Learn the answers to these and other questions and how you can be debt free much sooner than you thought possible.

Lead With Influence

Gain greater influence with other people. Follow the example of great leaders to create trust and lasting results on your team.

Change Anything

Take responsibility for your life and business. Set priorities, lose the stress, and gain personal control of your life and daily schedule.

Become a Better You

From physical to personal wellness, make small changes and develop simple habits that can enhance your life and the lives of those around you.

Earning Commissions at Melaleuca

What changes can you make in your business to earn increased commissions every month? How can you simply explain the key elements of Melaleuca’s compensation plan? Learn the answers to these and other key questions through a fun, interactive lesson on the compensation plan.

The Psychology of Winning

Learn how to live with more ambition, how to make and keep promises, and how to fail forward. You’ll learn how to find a no-matter-what mindset that can help you live a more fulfilled life.

Melaleuca Products — A Legacy of Wellness

The power and science behind Melaleuca products. Learn how to talk about Melaleuca products in a compelling way and make your presentations come to life.